Latin and the students
With the 37 dialogues in his “Paedologia”, to learn and excercise the colloquial Latin language, Mosellanus proved to have touched the right chord of the young students of his time. Luther and Melanchton both recommended the book to use at schools. Until the middle of the 18th century the “Paedologia” was reprinted in almost 80 editions, a true bestseller of modern times. His “Tabulae de schematibus et tropis”, in which the grammatical and rhetoric speech characteristics of the Latin language were explained in tables, were also widely used and known.
Mosellanus set a high value on a well-balanced time schedule of each day of study which he passed on to his students in strict rules and great detail. They were published by one of his students, Christof von Carlowitz, because of the growing demand by many students. The 24 hours of the day had to be used for one third by sleeping, 8 hours for serious study and 8 hours for social activities and taking care of the body and one’s health.
Many of Mosellanus’ students developed to men of great reputation and global scientific fame due to their blessed activities as scientists. They were ancestors of famous and noble families of those times like von Werthern, von Carlowitz, von Pflug, Birken von der Duba, von Suaven etc.